Welcome to So Cal Deck


So Cal Deck Inspections provides thorough inspections and signed final reports of “Exterior Elevated Elements” or EEE’s as required by both SB 326 for Homeowners Associations / HOA’s & SB 721 for Apartments. Our inspectors are experienced professionals and will help ensure that your Decks, Walkways, and Stairs or any qualifying EEE’s are safe and in compliance with SB 326 and SB 721.

What EEEs are subject to SB 326 & 721 inspections?

The EEES subject to the new requirements includes those with a walking surface elevated more than six feet above ground level, designed for human occupancy or use, and supported by wood or wood- based products.

SB 721 mandates that a statistically significant sample of EEEs must be inspected (with a minimum of 15% of all EEEs) sufficient enough to ensure 95% confidence that the results from the sample are representative of the entire structure, with a margin of error no larger than plus or minus 5%.
SB 721 language has a minimum of 15% of EEEs be inspected. Our recommendation will be that a sampling of 25% of all EEES have a Phase One Visual Inspection be performed.

New Construction - inspection required?

New construction for which a building permit application was submitted after January 1, 2020, must have the inspections completed within 6 years of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.

So Cal Deck Inspections provides thorough inspections and signed final reports of “Exterior Elevated Elements” or EEE’s as required by both SB 326 for Condominiums & SB 721 for Apartments. Our inspectors are experienced professionals and will help ensure that your balconies, decks, walkways and any classified EEE’s are safe and in compliance with SB 326 and SB 721.